Friday, January 15, 2010

LOU. what's the point?

yup, that's my new phrase that I had learnt during my 3rd advance composition class taught by Ms Nadiah. I had no idea what I should write now, but IT seems that a strong desire of writing a blog has make this whole thing into an obligation of my life. (I guess?)

I can't actually picture lots of things now due to my messy time schedule. I am now actively involved in ATUSA's AIF things (American Indulgence Fiesta). Ya, secret's revealed, and I am going to present something special during that night, and I can't wait to enjoy the sheer pleasure of having fun in American's activities.

If it is American Indulgence Week, why no champagne? Probably no stripper too!!

I guess what makes me very uncomfortable is actually our LOU and JPa session (ADFP version). I guess going to the states isn't that easy, and definitely not enjoyable too. they kept implying that having an education in the states is quite dangerous, and we need to have a lot of preparation before we "fly".

The problem is, am I ready?

I am not a strong-hearted person, I am not a charismatic speaker good in communication skills, and I am definitely not a physically strong boy, nor mentally, I anticipate for the best, and for the worst. For the best, I can get my very own freshman experience in the Ivies; for the worst, I wish to find cockroaches less than 3 in Kolej cemara. AND GET USED TO IT.

I am not prepared yet, from what I can feel. The problem is, I haven't have my very own personal question solved. I seek an answer to solve the problem, the question and the inquiry. If I can't solve the puzzle, and find the missing pieces, I could never forgive myself, for not trying my best in order to find the truth behind every story.

The question is, "Lou, what's the point?"

HAHAHA, not the typical commonplace that everyone can think of, for instance the LOU program held in great hall during our first day of entries. Nope

LOU stands for, "Loved, OR Used?"

And I remain this question silent, just to make sure that the puzzle is to be solved by those who truly understand what I am writting about.