Sunday, August 30, 2009

Adfp mms sketch, titanic

(shit, these days really wasn't akira day, i cant even upload a single things, including fb, msn, bla bla bla- maybe i will upload it on the next day)

Hehe, long time lo, finally i upload this video as my memory. I am there, acting stupid and innocent yet evil flows within my veins. Hei hei! Somebody might comment i am totally stupid and childish, but as yesterday is passing away everyday, soon what's left dwindling in our life is our todays and tomorrows. How many tomorrows do we have? And i am soon gonna enter my 18s, 2 years before i enter my first 20s.

Life is still going on, day by day. It's not only that our age are building up, same as our own memories. Every experiences and every dreams, is continually lined up and mixed together to become its own story. We might become oblivious towards some of our memories. We tend to forget something that happened in the past.

Memories always lies in our heart and our mind, it is scattered and broken, we are going to link it up together, forever, no matter you are a passerby, or an important role in my life, everyone is a part of my story, and i am the part of everyone's story. Stories still go on, Memories are still linking up.

Appreciate everyone around you when you still have the ability to remember something, when time pass, so as... ... you lost the ability to link back your memories! Memories never lost to nowhere, what lost in our life is the sentimental of our heart: to a world so dull and insipid full with apathy and darkness... ...